| 1. | Jack did not report in to his probation officer 杰克没有向缓刑犯监督员报到。 |
| 2. | Those lads go to meetings with their probation officers in bmws and mercedes 那些人开着宝马奔驰去跟判缓刑的头头碰面 |
| 3. | Five citizens , a probation officer and a us postal service worker were charged as well 同时受到指控的还有五名公民、一名缓刑监督官和一名美国邮政人员。 |
| 4. | Five citizens , a probation officer and a us postal service worker were charged as well 另外有5名市民,一名缓刑监督官以及一名美国邮政雇员也被牵涉其中。 |
| 5. | The probation officer got andrew a job in the paper - mills and arranged board and lodging for him in the working boys ' hostel 缓刑犯监视员在纸厂里替安德鲁找到一份工作,并在职工宿舍安排了他的膳宿。 |
| 6. | The probation officer got andrew a job in the paper - mills and arranged board and lodging for him in the working boys ’ hostel 缓刑犯监视员在纸厂里替安德鲁找到一份工作,并在职工宿舍安排了他的膳宿。 |
| 7. | 100 sweaters for low - income parolees via the probation officers section , prosecutors office , hualien district court donated by fellow practitioners 寒冬送暖,关怀花莲假释出狱的贫困受保护管束人,捐赠御寒毛衣 |
| 8. | Everyone marvels at cruella ' s incredible transformation , all except her dog loving probation officer , chloe simon , who doesn ' t believe it for a minute 人人惊叹克鲁拉不可思议的转变,惟独她的监视官,爱狗的克洛艾?西蒙,对此却压根儿不信。 |
| 9. | " the supreme master ching hai international association has lovingly held many activities for prison inmates and parolees , " said chief probation officer hsueh of the parole office . " these individuals are very receptive to and keenly moved by your spiritual influence 观护人室薛主任表示:清海无上师世界会透过灵修力量,为狱胞与受保护管束人办了许多爱心活动,他们都很能够接受并深受感动。 |
| 10. | Volunteers would provide rehabilitation of offenders , help them develop meaningful hobbies and cultivate healthy pursuits , providing guidance , advice , job hunting , child care etc . however , a volunteer will not take over the role of probation officer who is dealing with the legal side of duties and solving the behaviour problems of the probationers 义工将会协助受感化者改过自新,帮助他们发展有益身心的兴趣及健康生活此外还会提供辅导指引托儿服务及协助寻找工作等。然而,义工并不会处理犯人受感化期间的法律以及行为问题,这些都会交由感化官处理。 |